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We are GreenTechProfessional!

GreenTechprofessional LLC is a small business that covers the end-to-end process of recycling hardware, security of data-carrying media, environmentally friendly responsible recycling, and detailed documentation logs. Our main goal is to provide our customers peace of mind that any machine we decommission has no data and hard to recover any data from the hard drive. We provide a certificate of destruction with all the Service tag and Serial Number information on it. Our process is designed to fulfill all these requirements for our Data Center clients too. We are available around the clock for pickup according to the customer's need.

Why GreenTechProfessional?

  • Zero landfill policy
  • Over 50 tons recycled each quarter
  • Fully trained technician
  • Transparency about the recycling process

Hello There

GreenTechProfessional is a minority owned small business. Our objective here is to provide a safe and secure way for organizations to recycle outdated electronics. There are many ways we can make a positive impact on our environment and protect it from harmful chemicals and waste. And that is what we here at GreenTechProfessional are aiming to do. We want to take away the hassle that organizations have to deal with in order to recycle and dispose their outdated electronics. We will do it all from A to Z. We will pick up your decommissioned and outdated electronics and follow our e-waste recycling process to properly dismantle and dispose your equipment.

The Dirty Facts about E-Waste

of all E-waste is recycled currently.
tons of E-waste was treated by recyclers of the 41.8 million tons generated in 2014.
of E-waste is expected to increase in landfills annually.

How We Do

We recycle what you waste by picking up from you. Common Recyclables are :


Paper makes up 23 percent of municipal solid waste (trash) generated each year, more than any other material.


Dry-Cell Batteries are used in a variety of electronics and include alkaline and carbon zinc (9-volt, D, C, AA, AAA), mercuric-oxide (button, some cylindrical and rectangular), silver-oxide and zinc-air (button), and lithium (9-volt, C, AA, coin, button, rechargeable) batteries. Look for in-store recycling bins or community collection events to dispose of these batteries.


More than 35 million tons of plastics were generated in the United States in 2018, which was about 12 percent of the waste stream. Only 8.7 percent of plastics were recycled in 2018. Some types of plastics are recycled much more than others. Most community recycling programs accept some, but not all, types of plastics. Look for products made from recycled plastic materials.

Used Oil

Never dump your used motor oil down the drain — the used oil from one oil change can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water. By recycling your used oil you not only help keep our water supply clean, but help reduce American dependence on foreign oil. It takes 42 gallons of crude oil, but only one gallon of used oil, to produce 2.5 quarts of new motor oil. Many garages and auto-supply stores that sell motor oil also accept oil for recycling.


Glass, especially glass food and beverage containers, can be recycled over and over again. In the United States in 2018, 12.3 million tons of glass were generated, 25 percent of which was recovered for recycling. Making new glass from recycled glass is typically cheaper than using raw materials. Most curbside community recycling programs accept different glass colors and types mixed together, and then glass is sorted at the recovery facility. Check with your local program to see if you need to separate your glass or if it can be mixed together.


Our Expertise

Secure Data Erasing
Available 24/7
Free pick up
Office setup services
Office Takedown
Data Security
Specialist in Cell phones, Laptops, Servers erasing and repairs

Breakdown of our recycling steps:

  1. The customer will contact us with pictures of equipment pickup. Pictures are required to determine our transportation (Semi/Big Truck)
  2. Ask for Security protocol in the building/Provide our employees' name if needed
  3. Count and verify the equipment on arrival
  4. Palletizing and wrap all the equipment
  5. Customer can hand over the inventory sheet of the equipment
  6. Offload equipment at our warehouse
  7. Follow Sorting process/wiping process/shredding
  8. Provide a Certificate of destruction with all the serial # and model on it through email.
  9. Ask for feedback to make our services better

Pandemic Special:

Office setup/teardown Service:

  1. We have added this service due to the needs of our customers. Ideal for relocating, Downsizing, or upgrading.
  2. We provide solutions for setting up monitors/keyboard/printers etc.

Work from home recycling special:

  1. This is our remote service to pick up recycling equipment from home. Provide Certificate of -destruction on-site.
  2. A client can mail-in recycling equipment to over address.

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Where to Find Us

Building # ABC
XYZ View
75800 PK

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Phone: (+92) 000 0000000
Mobile: (+92) 000 0000000
Fax: (+92) 000 0000